Cat Training Tips and Tricks
With the right rewards and reinforcements, you can train your cat almost as well as your dog!

When you think of pet training, you probably envision dog owners teaclicker ching their pooches to sit, stay, walk on a leash, go to the bathroom in the right place, and retrieve objects. Then you take one look at your independent-minded cat and wish you could train it as you might a dog. The good news is that you can indeed train your cat to obey some of the very same commands as long as you know the proper techniques. Check out these effective cat training tips and tricks
Cat Training Tools and Rewards
In the pet world, dogs are especially easy to train because they respond to praise and affection as much as tangible rewards such as treats. By contrast, cats are completely treat-driven, doing their master's bidding on a more purely transactional basis. So you'll want to keep a large quantity of your cat's favorite (healthy) snacks in the house, because you're going to need them.
While you're at the pet store buying those snacks, invest in a as well. This inexpensive soundmaker can help you teach your cat to associate certain behavior with a pending reward. Start by giving the cat a treat while clicking the clicker, then use this combination every time your cat obeys a command correctly. Eventually, you can get your cat to perform multiple tasks in a row by using just the clicker, issuing a treat at the end of the sequence for a job well done.
A target stick can also prove highly useful for training your cat to move to a specific place. You can purchase a clicker that includes a built-in target stick, or you can buy these items separately. A target stick is simply a long pole with an enticing object on the end of it, such as a treat or colorful ball. Once you've captured your kitty’s attention with the end of the target stick, move the stick to where you want it to go and it should follow your motion.
Basic Cat Training: Litter Box and Crate Training
Every cat should know how to use both a litter box and a crate. Fortunately, litter box training is usually easy because cats are instinctively clean creatures, doing their business in one dedicated spot and then burying the evidence. Try placing your cat in a litter-filled box just to see whether it will naturally use the box for its intended purpose, rewarding each successful effort. Watch for signs that your cat is about ready to do its business, such as pawing at the ground, and then carry it to the litter box immediately.
Crate training is a necessary measure for whenever you need to transport your cat or keep it confined for safety purposes. The earlier in your cat's life you begin crate training, the more quickly and easily the process will go. Start by placing treats and favorite toys in the crate or cat box to encourage your cat to enter the crate and get comfortable being inside it. If this tactic fails at first, place these enticements just outside the crate door, moving them into the crate once the cat responds to them regularly.
A Few Simple Commands for Training Your Cat
Now that you know some basic cat training methods, you can employ them to teach your kitty a variety of fun and/or useful tricks. Let's take a look at a few common examples.
- "Sit/Stay" - A training stick will help you teach your cat to sit in a specific spot. Make sure to use the verbal command "Sit" as you do this, with a treat as the reward. Teach it the "Stay" command once it is sitting still in the right spot.
- "Gentle" - Offer your hand coated with some treat-flavored paste and let your cat lick the paste off. If your cat tries to bite, withdraw your hand as you say "Gentle."
- "High Five" - Hold the treat up higher than usual until your cat raises its paw. Then issue the "High Five" command as you touch its paw with your hand.
In some cases, owners can teach cats to refrain from certain misbehaviors without interactive training. For instance, spraying a bitter apple liquid on objects such as electrical wires will prevent your cat from nibbling on them.
Positive Versus Negative Reinforcement
Don't use negative reinforcement such as punishment. Your cat won't understand it and will simply grow fearful of you. When your cat does something wrong, give no punishment and no reward.
Even with all the positive reinforcement in the world, most cats get tired of training sessions quickly. For best results, train your cat in sessions of just a few minutes each, no more than twice a day.
Cat Training Troubles? Your Veterinarian Can Help
Keep in mind that a medical condition might interfere with feline training. For instance, a cat with a urinary or digestive disease, arthritis, or dementia may not be able to run to the litter box on cue. A cat with poor vision may not respond to visual cues, while a deaf cat won't respond to a clicker or a verbal command. If you suspect that your cat suffers from such an issue, bring it to your local feline veterinarian for evaluation. This professional can identify (and often treat) the problem in question while giving valuable advice on alternative training techniques.
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