Ask Dr. Jenn: How Can I Stop My Cat from Peeing Outside the Litter Box?
I have two six-year-old cats that are littermates and one five-year-old dog in my home. One of the cats keeps peeing in random places around my house. I have tried changing the litter, buying him a calming collar, and I keep both litter boxes clean. He has been checked out with full blood work and urine test and nothing found. The problem has worsened just within the last year. Any advice I should try before I have to take him to a shelter?

I understand your frustration! Urine problems in cats can be challenging to deal with and can be hard to solve. Sometimes rehoming your cat is the best option. Some cats will do better in a different home and environment. However, there are some more things you can try before you get to that point.
I applaud you for doing the first step in trying to solve the problem – a visit to the veterinarian to look for an underlying medical problem. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, because the blood tests and urinalysis are normal, it is more likely a behavioral issue.
You have two litterboxes that you keep clean, which is a good start. But in multi-pet households, it is recommended to have one more litterbox than the number of cats in the household. In your case that would be three. If you have a multi-level house, there should be at least one on every level. I know that sounds like a lot, but cats can be territorial. It may be subtle enough that you don’t see it, but one cat may have claimed both litterboxes, leaving the other cat no place to go but in the corner. Try adding another litterbox or two and see if this helps.
He is urinating in random places throughout the house, but is there a specific substrate or location he seems to prefer? For example, does he pee in empty containers or boxes? On dirty clothes? In corners? If this is happening, try to block access to these areas or substrates. If he is urinating on carpet, make sure you clean the area with an enzymatic cleaner that breaks down urine, such as Nature’s Miracle. Cats have a much better sense of smell than we do. If he smells urine in an area of the house, he thinks it’s an appropriate place to pee.
Pay attention to his environment to see if anything has changed. Cats can become stressed by the littlest things we don’t think of. Is your dryer suddenly making a strange noise that scares him? Is there a new plant in the household? Is there a stray cat outside or a female cat in heat in the neighborhood? If you identify the stressor, can it be eliminated?
If you can’t identify or eliminate the problem, supplements or medication can help reduce your cat’s overall anxiety. You said you tried a calming collar, which will help some pets. I am not sure what type of collar you used, but I recommend a brand called Feliway. Feliway mimics a pheromone that cats release to mark a place as “safe”. Feliway is available as a collar that can worn all the time, a spray that you can use in places where he has been urinating, or as a diffuser that is plugged into the wall and releases the pheromone to one level of the house.
Zylkene is a supplement I recommend and had good results in patients. Zylkene is a protein found in milk that has a calming effect in cats and dogs. Similar calming proteins can be found in prescription cat foods. Ask your veterinarian if there is a food they would recommend.
Some cats need prescription medications. Anti-anxiety and SSRI medications can be beneficial. However, there are risks to any prescription medication. Your veterinarian can help determine if they are right for your cat.
I truly hope that these suggestions are helpful and that you are able to resolve the problem. I how heartbreaking it can be to have to rehome your kitty. Please keep me updated on how he is doing.
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